For the curious…
Existence as Potential –
Bite Sized 2:
From Potential Field to Potential Object
So far we came from the paradox of zero, to a group of paradox’s, producing a field of potential. Our group of paradox’s has indeed turned out to be, a veritable factory for manufacturing potential, and in the process, soon creating an entire field of potential contiualy. We have also gone from first most primitive potential of Z N U, to them forming together to form ‘quads’ with which complexity arrives. Unsurprisingly, they come in 3 kinds -Z bias N bias and U bias. But they also come in 3 subgroups -core, prime, and binary. -Enough to form complex relationships.- Let’s look at N quads.
There is only one core N quad, but there are more prime quads which form a ‘clump’ like relationship around the core quad. Binary quads are by far the most numerous. You could imagine binary quads as like a sheet, the most ‘N’ side relates to the ‘prime clump’ ‘rapping its self around the prime clump entirey. So you might now imagine a kind of sphere. Remarkably, this ‘N sphere’ already has an equator and poles. The top pole is made up of the most ‘z’ N-quads up from the ‘equator’, while the bottom pole is made of the most ‘U’ quads down from the ‘equator’. The N sphere locks up all its quads with even increasingly ‘N’ layers to its ‘core’ -telling us something about N’s characteristics. Z quads are quite the opposite in character to N, forming a more open tree like structure. with its Z n prime quads forming its ‘trunk’ with its core quad at its bottom tip, while its ‘twigs’ spray off into infinity. U quads are different again in character. You might imagine U quads as like a disk with its most U n quads towards its centre, and core at its centre, while its ‘perimeter (-if it can be called that) frays out into infinity’ . Again unsurprisingly, Z quads relate to the N sphere via its most N core quad. Likewise, U quads relate to the N sphere via its most N (core) quad. The important thing here is, that unlike N quads sphere, Z and U quads are capable relating to other groups thanks to their infinite fraying ‘permiters’ If you are thinking this is starting to sound like the beginnings of an object -you’d be right! But it is still not quite truly an object, because there is no time and space yet. In our next Bite, we will see how in the next level up, virtual objects, help cause the emergence of time and space.