Existence as Potential
How (seemingly ethereal) Potential Can Break My Nose!
As we saw in the last bit size, the build up of EH Waves from the nucleus of atoms, led to the fabric of time space arising -and objects in time and space. But Potential Hair (that the EH Wave is made from), still has a big role to play in communication and description in larger complex elements. -Light haired particals/atoms will describe in time space as gases. While medium haired particles will describe as fluids. Heavy haired particles/atoms will describe as solids. -In other words, the more potential hair there is, the more potential entanglement there is likely to be -the more solid a solid will be. And in other words, time and space then describes the potential for action and events, between solids -that is possible. -When it comes to potential -its all about relativity… Though it may seem existence is made of mere ethereal potential, if I attempted to walk my solid potential through the potential of a solid granite wall, I would most likely only realise the potential of -breaking my nose. -Better not do that then!