Giant of Cockenzie
Type: Photograph
Medium: Photography
Dimensions: 63cm x 41.5cm
Created: 26 September 2015 at 12:16
Where to see it: On permanent public display, Port Seton Community Centre, Port Seton, East Lothian, Scotland. EH32 0BQ. Tel: 01875 818181
Status: Gifted to Cockenzie Port Seton community
-Not for sale-
Contact: The artist – text: 07952 214043 or Email:
Artists Comment:
On the day of the spectacular demolition of Cockenzie Power Station 149 meter high two chimneys, I captured this seminal once only image. Ironically, although I had carefully set up still shots, together with the video, a problem with the video camera meant it nearly did not get this image at all! So it is perhaps remarkable in more ways than one.
When looking at it now, it is almost as if the liberated sprit of the power station is marching away. It had very much become a part of the surrounding community’s psyche –some even cried when they fell. I remember as Chair of the 3 Harbours art festival, we ran a competition for local children to design our brochure cover, and how struck I was by so many submissions showing the ‘dusty man’ as he was called, in the background. He seemed to represent many things, certainly power, release and determination onward are strongly present here in this image.