Art Work – Syllable



Created: May 2019
Medium: Oil on wood
Dimensions:  38cm x 36cm x 4cm  -Open: 38cm x 62cm x 4cm

Type: Triptych, main panel painting, with 4 smaller paintings mounted on hinged doors, forming side panels to main picture when open (revealing poetry). When closed, doors form two part picture. Here additionally, the main painting is also a relief.

For Sale: – SOLD –

Contact:  Text: 07952 214043 or Email:

Artists Comment:

Syllable represents a landmark change of direction in my visual art. It is a change of direction with many challenges. Firstly is that each piece is not just one painting, but composed of several paintings. Namely, this is because the main paintings, is augmented by smaller paintings on both sides of two doors. Other challenges are the way hinges work in triptychs –hinge flanges must not somehow get in the way of paintings, even if the door is thin! Further challenges are that the main picture is a relief made up of layers of wood. And that it is ‘round’ -which adds to difficulties of its own.

The roundness relates to the human field of vision, where only the central part is ‘live’, while peripheral vision is a lot less so. The roundness also relates to humans struggle with infinity, and its paradoxical rhythms. So with the doors on the artwork, where the suggestion is, that they should be opened around the morning time, and then closed around evening time, so the artwork does not just sit static on a wall, but becomes a part of the rhythm of daily life. 

The intimation in this artwork is of course, is that we are all ‘Syllables’ in a landscape. The works has as much meaning or even personal meaning, as the viewer may wish to find.